Tuesday, May 19, 2015

April 4-Looking for Rachel's Bubble Bath

Today we are heading to Big Majors spot so that we can attend Easter Sunday Services at Staniel Cay.  But before we left, we went out in search of Rachel's Bubble Bath.  We had an idea of where it was on a map, but we weren't sure of what we were to expect or for what we were to be looking.  

We dinghied over to the north end of Compass Cay and landed the boats.  Then we just started walking.  There was a nice little creek and a hill that looked worthy of exploring.  The guys (Rick, Steve & Rupert) went off one way and the girls (Leanne, Peggy and I took off in another direction.  We didn't want to climb the hill that the guys looked intent on conquering.  

After sighting several cairns--we discovered Rachel's Bubble Bath.  At high tide, the water crashes over rocks into a pool area forming thousands of bubbles just like those formed by pouring Mr Bubble into a fountain.  Although we weren't dressed in swimsuits, we got in anyway.  It was too inviting to worry about our clothes getting wet.  

Wow--I love all the beautiful shades of blue. 

After leaving the Bubble Bath, Steve and I left Toucanne and headed to Staniel Cay.  We saw a float plane on the way.  Once we arrived, Steve decided to get out the sail board and give it a try. 



  1. Good to see the blog being updated - you were close to a citation for a blogging violation.

  2. It has been good to get back to it. The pictures bring back the beauty of the islands.
